Sunday, January 24, 2010

Hey, it's Table Tennis - not Ping-Pong!

By Tony Ulrich

Again, it's raining like crazy outside. But that's no reason or excuse to spend all day on the sofa again. Are you looking for some exercise and fun?

The cool thing about Table-Tennis: it doesn't take a lot to get started. Two paddles, a ball and table and you are good to go. I was about fifteen years old when I started playing table-tennis seriously.

Pretty much around that time, I joined a table-tennis club to take it to the next level. Well, I stuck with it and I am still playing as a USATT member with a rating of 2150.

You probably noticed, that I use the term 'table-tennis' and not 'ping-pong'. Well, even though the basic concept of both variations is the same, there is indeed a huge difference. If you go on Youtube for instance and search for table tennis videos, you will find thousands of snippets or even whole matches illustrating what a powerful and strenuous sport it is.

If you didn't focus too hard on the ball, but rather the footwork, you will have noticed that playing table-tennis seriously requires you to move around a lot and quickly. That little ball can pick up speeds up to 100 mph and believe me, that is FAST.

And that's the difference between ping-pong and table-tennis. The good news is: you can start at any age to turn this fun sport into a serious work-out regime. You will have to take it easy though, especially in the beginning.

Try that how: together with your opponent, attempt to hit the ball 20 times over the net, without making an error. Consistency is key and you should know that a regular exercise like this is part of every serious player's routine. Well, on that level though, it's not twenty but a hundred or more shots in a row at a very fast speed just to warm up.

And that's it. As I said, everybody follows the same warm-up routine. But in order to get there, hitting the ball at that pace without making any mistakes, it requires a lot of regular practice. Ideally, every day for a few hours. But anyway, everybody has to start slowly, there's no way around. Try to do 20 hits in a row with your partner, that's your first milestone before you move on to the next step.

Forget about the speed. Do as slowly as you can, but with the best possible precision. Speed comes automatically as you get more consistent and confident. Once you can do 20 times, step it up to 50 times. That will take you some time to get there and that's normal. And then the next milestone would be a hundred times. I will talk about exercise variations a little later to give you some ideas.

Alright, that's it. The important thing is to get started. You will notice how much fun indoor table-tennis can be. And you will get a good workout in at the same time.

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